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Guidelines for posting to WebsiteGear Classifieds
Please follow the guidelines for posting an Ad to the WebsiteGear Free Classifieds

1. The classifieds section is for posting offers and deals for website related business and entities only. That includes web hosting, domain names, websites for sale etc. Any other business not related to website design, hosting, advertising are not allowed to post in WebsiteGear classifieds.

2. Do not spam the classifieds section. That includes using automated scripts, or posting the same Ad multiple times. We take spam very seriously, since it is a nuisance to the internet community. We also block users and email addresses if our system detect spams.

3. Do not post any affiliate links unless you own the affiliate network.

4. Do not post classifieds with fake names and fake company names. After all it will not help anyone including you.

5. Do not post any item not related to offers or deals in the classifieds section. If you need help with some issue, or have a question, use the WebsiteGear discussion forums instead.